C’est Bon Anthology vol 32
Blue Beginnings
Blue isn’t just a color. Mostly you’d associate it with depression, moodiness, full moons and break-ups. But, have you ever spent a cloudy afternoon on an old jetty by the sea, staring into the depths? Watching the intricate patterns fold and unfold into new and recurring shapes… Remember the feeling of liquid calm spreading through your scattered brain? Hypnotizing and invigorating. Like pouring fresh, wet, blue paint on a white canvas.
New beginnings can be blue.
Hanna Alfredsson [SE]
Anna Krztoń [PL]
Alexander Robyn [BE]
Nicolas Krizan [SE]
Mauro Trotta [DE]
Anna Ehrlemark [SE]
Ylva Oknelid [SE]
Marie Tillman [SE]
Cover by Inés Estrada [MX]
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