CBA vol 42
Subversive Superhero Stories
In this volume of CBA the focus is on superheroes, but instead of the conventional view we have instead subverted the genre, resulting in comics and texts that really explore something different within the superhero genre.
Patrick McEvoy [US]
Olivia Pelaez [US]
Martin Böer [DE]
Mattis Telin [SE]
Manuel Rodriguez Navarro [DE]
Lisa Örtlund [SE]
Henrik Rogowski [SE]
Svalan Sörblom [SE]
Jonatan Westerman [SE]
Mattias Elftorp [SE]
Noel L Kinnebrand [SE]
Henrik Rogowski [SE]
Kinga Dukaj [SE]
Mattias Elftorp [SE]
Cover artist & main editor:
Henrik Rogowski [SE]
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